International conference in Valencia - News - Current - Kinderkrebsschweiz

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International conference in Valencia

he second week in May was all about exchange, networking and knowledge transfer. After a gap of two years, the long-awaited SIOP Europe Meeting was again held together with the Childhood Cancer International Europe Conference in Valencia. Zuzana Tomášiková, who as Head of the Survivors’ Centre at Childhood Cancer Switzerland represents the interests of survivors at national and international level, was also present at the meeting.

The annual conference brings together professionals, representatives of parents’ and survivors’ organisations and all those interested in the field of childhood cancer. It offers them the opportunity and space to discuss recent events and tackle challenges together. Two of the most important joint sessions were the “Palliative Care Session” and a session on the subject of mourning and death. Further relevant topics addressed at the conference were genomics, personalised medicine and digitalisation. 

The programme, which was specifically aimed at parents’ and survivors’ organisations, was full of interesting presentations, but it was those on national cooperations in particular which met with great interest and stimulated lively discussions. Furthermore, there was an in-depth focus on European projects, such as the extensive survivors’ network “EU-CAYAS-NET”, with opportunities to participate being highlighted.

The diversity of topics at this year’s conference covered all important areas, from treatment optimisation and psychosocial support to follow-up care and advocacy. A charity run and joint evening meals rounded off the intensive week’s programme and provided important opportunities for exchange and networking.