Self-help - Fields of action - Kinderkrebsschweiz

This is how you can help

Self-help –
advising and supporting survivors

Cancer often accompanies long-term survivors and their parents for the rest of their lives due to the late effects. Many survivors are confronted with further challenges even after successful treatment. These can have far-reaching effects on the lives of those affected, who often feel left alone with their worries and fears. To remedy this situation, Childhood Cancer Switzerland offers information and networking services for survivors and parents of survivors. 

Our services

Eine Gruppe von Jugendlichen

For survivors

The Survivors’ Centre plans and organises meetings and events specially for survivors.

The Survivors’ Centre
Porträt eines Jungen

For parents

We offer professionally supervised exchange and networking opportunities for parents of survivors.

Parents’ weekends

Childhood cancer conference

Our conferences serve both the transfer of valuable professional information and networking.

Childhood cancer conference 2020
Mutter und Tochter in der Natur

“Listening to each other and giving encouragement – spending the weekend with people who share our fate and being supported professionally meant such a lot to me!”

Elisabeth S., mother of a survivor
