Future prospects for childhood cancer survivors - News - Current - Kinderkrebsschweiz

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Future prospects for childhood cancer survivors

With its current campaign “Future prospects” and a total reach of around two million, the umbrella organisation has been able to raise awareness with large parts of the Swiss population for the challenges faced in this area. The focus is on the numerous hurdles that former childhood cancer patients have to face due to the late effects of the disease when they want to find a suitable apprenticeship or take up a profession. Depending on the severity of their impairments, they cannot find an appropriate apprenticeship, have to drop out of training or perhaps give up their job. The late effects are manifold and range from physical problems to psychosocial stress disorders. Integration into the world of work can therefore be difficult. Targeted support and prevention measures are necessary to improve future prospects for those affected. This includes a systematic medical assessment before the start of training as well as special counselling and coaching services.

It is important to make society aware of the needs of survivors and not to simply give preference to applicants without performance limitations. Childhood Cancer Switzerland offers various forms of support. These include free legal consultations as well as information and networking services for adult survivors and affected parents. In addition, the umbrella organisation promotes research projects in the field of survivorship.

Since integration in the school environment both during and after the illness can also be a major challenge for children and adolescents affected by cancer, the autumn campaign is to be dedicated to this important topic. In this campaign, Childhood Cancer Switzerland draws attention to the current situation, identifies gaps in care and allows both those affected and experts to have their say. Information to follow.