Our community is constantly growing - 2021 - News - Current - Kinderkrebsschweiz

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Our community is constantly growing

After the launch of the new website www.stiftung-kinderkrebs.ch of the Childhood Cancer Foundation in 2019, the foundation has also been increasingly active on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn since 2020. It reports on current projects and evehttp://www.stiftung-kinderkrebs.chnts, but also on the activities of childhood cancer network partners, political changes, research results and much more.

Julia Lehmann, responsible for Communication & Fundraising at the Childhood Cancer Foundation, is pleased: “Thanks to social media, we are in direct dialogue with our readers. Our community is constantly growing and we are thrilled to see how many people like and comment on our posts because this increases our visibility and more people learn that children also suffer from cancer and how those affected can be helped.”

Two wonderful campaigns over the last few months were:

#vonbaselfürbasel, which the Basler Kantonalbank carried out for the foundation, among others, and which was of course highly promoted through their own channels. As well as their major campaign

#1000kranichefüreinenwunsch, which reached its climax on 15 February 2021 with the Childhood Cancer Day. Find out more on the website and on the social media channels under @stiftungkinderkrebs.