“Children are so brave” - News - Current - Kinderkrebsschweiz

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“Children are so brave”

Karl-Heinz Eife travelled the world during his career as Head of Global Production Management ICS at Clariant. But it is the well-being of children that is particularly close to his heart. “They are the smallest among us and the bravest,” says the 63-year-old. That’s why, as he ended his career to embark on his well-deserved retirement, he decided to ask his colleagues to make donations for children with cancer instead of giving him farewell gifts. This resulted in a handsome sum of money, which – together with his wife and Judith Jakob from Clariant – he handed over to Childhood Cancer Switzerland on 27 June 2023.

We would like to express our sincere thanks to Karl-Heinz Eife for this fantastic donation idea and wish him all the very best in his retirement!